Sam Stocks

Your Transformation Specialist.

You are unique and the service you require to meet your needs and goals is unique. The best way to build confidence in your next step is to have the many questions you have answered. With that in mind, I would love to speak with you directly. So please get in touch, I would love to help you.  You can also take a look at the menu with drop-down options to discover what I offer and how that can help you.
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Discover how to move and engage with exercise that will benefit you for a lifetime. In my humble opinion, this is the best form of training to achieve more from your body than you could ever possibly believe. As well as being humbling it’s the most satisfying form of training you could do. Why? Well, you will instantly feel a difference in the way you engage with the exercise compared to anything you have tried before with weights or otherwise and it will ALWAYS leave a smile on your face.


The drive to progress to new levels, adapt to new skills, and achieve things you would think right now, are not possible, yet in a few months’ time, you are achieving them.

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    Our small group training is special, as I focus as much outside of the gym on your health and fitness as we do in the gym. This whole rounded long-term approach to your health and fitness is key. I work with clients who desire long-term change, who are sick and tired of the false claims and quick fixes out there that don’t work.


    Research proves time and time again that many 4-to-8-week transformations fail. Because unsustainable behaviours are pushed to achieve quick change, but at what cost? Long-term change is created by taking a broader perspective to what you need to live life at your best. I encourage you to reach out to us.

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  • P-DTR (Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex) & Functional Neurology

    P-DTR takes a neurological approach to allow you to thrive. All stress, pain, injuries and movement problems, in general, are ultimately controlled by the brain. Most modalities focus on moving or fixing a muscle or bone… e.g., massage or joint manipulation.


    P-DTR goes above this and treats your problematic areas at the level of the brain, creating long term change, by allowing the brain to perceive the correct information from your body. Rather than the “bad information” causing your problems.

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  • Sam Stocks: Personal Trainer in Newcastle

    Trying to lose weight or build muscles doesn’t have to be an endeavour you dread. So many people contact me having been left wanting with other providers. It’s important you understand from the start what you need to do to achieve your goals. What you can expect and what the road map to achieving your goals looks like.


    It’s best to take it one step at a time, focusing on one new behaviour at a time, getting that right, feeling normal, and a regular part of your routine, then introduce the next. As an example. The first behaviour could be for 28 days, aiming to exercise 3 x a week.

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  • How My Service Can Help Your Fitness Journey

    Not only do I teach you how to exercise, I educate you on how to eat properly. Clean eating isn’t about eliminating certain foods. Every food should be consumed but in the right proportion. Foods that are right for you and your body. When it comes to FAT LOSS you can eat whatever you like. Providing you move enough and consume a set amount of food. Weight Loss is inevitable. You DESERVE more than that.


    Health is more important for your long-term success, so HEALTH is put in front of weight loss because the result is you TRANSFORM in a way that lasts compared to a temporary quick fix solution.

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  • Why should you invest in a personal trainer?

    Investing in a personal trainer has many benefits that lead you to an outcome you desire, whether that’s achieving a PB in your chosen sport, losing 50lbs, running your first 5k, you will get there safer, more efficiently and learn tools that last a lifetime. You will understand how your body currently moves, you will discover how to optimise this for greater performance and improved results. You will gain an understanding of food, nutrition, how to fuel yourself properly for your goals, how to increase your energy. You will learn about routines, beyond that of a gym, impacting your work performance and life in general…

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  • Does a personal trainer help with weight loss?

    As your personal trainer and coach, I will help you with losing weight by offering nutrition guidance that results in behaviour change and a deeper understanding of your habits and emotions around food. Getting this right, and allowing you to see what works and what doesn’t when it comes to your food habits and mindset goes a long way to helping you achieve your Fat Loss goals for the long term. In addition, you are guided on exercise and everyday movement that builds your health, strength, stamina and energy to lead a quality life.

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  • Transform Your Life


    Client Testimonials

    Krystina D

    I was always one of those people who practically spent her life in a gym or being active. But after two bad pregnancies I was diagnosed with kidney disease. After spending years on medications my weight skyrocketed, I felt constantly tired, stressed and had little or no time

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    Vicky D

    Before I started the PT sessions I would go to the gym 3 maybe 4 times a week. I would generally do classes at the gym or if in the gym I tried to make up my own routines but didn't really know what I was doing. I did this for near enough a year and although it kept weight off

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    Kate B

    Before training... I woke up one morning and realised I had reached the wrong side of 45, and although my mind refused (and still refuses) to believe that I was middle aged, my body disagreed - I had lost tone, flexibility and was definitely starting to sag in all the wrong places.

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