With Unleashed and our Coaching Process, we take a deep health, whole-life approach that allows us to deliver to our client’s life-changing results that last. We support you in all areas of life, allowing you to be consistent and effective with everything you do. This happens DAILY. We are based in Shiremoor, Newcastle, UK, and support our clients Remotely and In-Person. Have a look at what our existing clients are saying about the Unleashed programme and what they have achieved through the process below:
clients Story
Now that you have heard what our clients have shared about their own experience, take a look at our process in a bit more detail so you can appreciate the levels we go to, to help you unleash your best.

The Whole Life Approach Using DEEP HEALTH To Help You Transform All Areas Of Life So Your RESULTS last!
Most people start with a transformation that focuses on eating healthy and exercising regularly, usually looking for a quick fix, with the knowledge that what they are doing is working. They see quick results and this gives them further motivation to keep going. The reality is this rarely works. Your habits, your routine, your lifestyle all impact your ability to exercise consistently. Let’s face it most people, if you’re tired, the idea of exercise feels daunting. And ultimately what happens for many is life circumstances get in the way of a regular consistent exercise routine. This is why a whole rounded approach is needed to combat the challenges life regularly throws at you.
This is why, with Unleashed, we take a whole life, deep health approach. What does this mean? Well we look at several areas of your life, and how they interact with one another to give you your results. These areas are physical, emotional, environmental, mental, existential, and social. Each element, impacts the other, and they can either serve you or hinder your progress.
By understanding you, your challenges, what you do well i.e. your strengths, allows us to use our system, our coaching and the overall process to give you results that last. Now we can discuss each element of what deep health is specific to you. Each aspect of deep health also includes, deep stress, and deep recovery. Knowing how stress impacts your daily life and knowing how to recover from this is key to your mental, physical well-being.

This can seem like quite a lot, but we start really simple with key habits that help you make very good progress, allowing you to exercise regularly at a level that is suitable to you. As well as bring awareness to your food intake and how it impacts your energy, your sleep, your weight management and other aspects of your well-being. As we improve these key areas, you will notice positive changes in your strength, your fitness and your overall well-being that then allows you to work on the other areas of your health.
By doing this, we take away the need for motivation, as this can be a big roadblock for many people feeling that they need motivation to exercise. Our approach takes a different look at this whereby we create a deep desire for you to achieve your goals, allowing you to see a deeper why, a deeper reason for you achieving the goals that we set out together. Often many of our clients start off with a desire to achieving physical outcome whether that be a particular size, shape, or to achieve a skill. What many realise is actually the biggest change for them it is in their mindset, improving confidence, self belief and overall clarity for who they are and how they act. And you can see this when you watch our testimonial videos.
Now let’s look at how we approach exercise, for our clients, to allow you to achieve fantastic results.
The EXERCISE process: building the foundation to build from to MASTER any exercise.
No matter your starting point, it’s important to establish your base line, for what exercises you are capable of. This means solidifying your awareness, and knowledge of the basic movement patterns that lay a fundamental foundation for you to build on within Callisthenics and other forms of exercise (Weight and Cardio).
If you already have a good foundation of exercise, and have trained for years, you will likely progress through the progressions at a faster rate. If you are a complete beginner, it will take more time, the level of progress you achieve with the daily help will be like nothing else you’ve experienced before.
Whether you want to exercise every single day, or have more of a balanced training 3 to 4 times a week we are with you every step of the way. To give you confidence, to give you quality feedback, to give you action steps to continuously make progress and deepen your understanding of how you exercise, how you move and how to build solid progress week in and week out.
What it looks like over the first 3 to 6 months.
Over the first 3 to 6 months we expect the majority of our clients to work through progression one to progression three exercises, and this would be excellent progress. At the highest level there are up to 30 progressions clients can go through, in a series of skill paths. Let’s have a look at a few clients showing this journey with a pressing based movement. Here is Unleashed client Hazel going through her journey from Progression One an “Incline Press Up” through to progression seven a “Single Bar Dip”. Every single progression here builds on the previous one demanding more from your body in terms of position and strength.