A Life Worth Living

How Lisa Mum Of Three Found Herself Fit, Healthy, Full Of Energy And Running A Thriving Business.

And how you can do the same.

Stressed. Busy. And not looking after herself.

That’s where Lisa was six months ago.

When lockdown kicked in, Lisa found… that after the initial “holiday period” life got complicated. Running a business was challenging enough, never mind having to take the kids through their school work.

There wasn’t enough time in the day.

Food had to be all about convenience, quick and easy. Workouts and self-care, well, they went out the window.

Perhaps even worse, Lisa’s kids followed her example, they became sluggish and put on weight. Which Lisa HATED. She wanted to set a better example. Yet found herself stuck. She was wearing so many hats. And felt like she was failing.

The tiredness Lisa felt had been impacting her relationship with her husband, Bill, and the whole situation was negatively changing her mindset at work. She was suffering. The little things around the house became big things, Lisa found she snapped at Bill and the kids way too much.

Everything was too much. Lisa finally came to the realisation, “This is NOT acceptable.

Things needed to change. Lisa needed to change. An early morning argument with Bill over something so silly was the last straw. Just before Lisa locked in to her morning routine working through emails she popped on Social Media for a little distraction.

Lisa had seen a Facebook post pop up a couple of times. A transformation for busy women where you learn the tools and strategies to create freedom from everyday challenges and setbacks. Leading you on the road to a healthy and energetic life.

Perfect” Lisa thought, “This is precisely what I am looking for!

Lisa realised she had to change, she wasn’t sure exactly how or what to do and it dawned on Lisa that’s why she had felt TRAPPED for so long. With things getting worse, she needed to know how and what to do. This was the perfect opportunity to get the help and support she desperately wanted.

She jumped in. Clicked the post and completed an application form where she could share her biggest setbacks and frustrations. Even that short process felt like a weight had been lifted. 

Fast forward a few months. Lisa built up solid habits. Exercised regularly with an expert trainer who could fine tune her movements giving her confidence and skill to progress through a whole host of progressive exercise routines. Which helped create a toned, healthy body that oozed vitality.

Lisa’s body began to take shape. Even better, the nutrition help was out of this world. Not only was the advice easy to implement, every part of the process had guidance. Lisa was never left wondering “what do I do?”

The family enjoyed the meals Lisa created too. Simple routines around meals that everyone could be involved with and enjoy. This created far more time for Lisa to do other things. Her stress was melting away.

You’re probably wondering what the process looked like for Lisa, well here’s what happened:

A bespoke exercise programme that you can get to grips with simply to make you FEEL and LOOK healthier and happier than you have felt in a long time. You get 3 personalised training sessions each week with an expert trainer with 15 years of experience so that you perform exercises optimised for you to progress safely and confidently.

In as little as 15 minutes a day Lisa performed personalised routines she could do anywhere all targeted towards her unique goals. Perfect for those with a busy life and schedule so you can always fit it in and feel you are on TRACK. Keeping motivation high.

Discover how you can eat well for life with a personalised food plan the whole family will love, guidance on behaviour change, creating habits that keep you at your best and accountability to help you master it.

Feel loose and free with your movement, with bespoke mobility routines to build gymnast levels of flexibility keeping the body moving at its best

Where Lisa used to feel overwhelmed all of the time, with our bespoke process, she was able to get past that because she used our Create Freedom Process to overcome the massive level of overwhelm she was under to leave the process each day with specific steps to take to feel clear and focused.

Right now, you could be thinking this all sounds too good to be true. But two things.

Firstly, Lisa’s results came about because she followed a proven tested method.

And secondly, Lisa wasn’t the sort of person to sit back and expect me to wave my magic wand and solve all of her problems. Rather she was prepared to invest in herself, be coachable, and put the effort in to get those results.

So, if you are hoping for a magic pill you might want to skip this page. But if you are like Lisa, and prepared to put in some effort like Lisa, then book in your call with me now, simply click the "Book Your Call Now" button below and complete the form and submit it.

I will then be in touch within 24 hours.

*Note: this offer of a FREE call is only available for a very limited time. Get your FREE call scheduled today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!

Copyright © Calisthenics Strong 2022.

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