Wouldn’t it be nice to just move better? You see, if you don’t exercise, often the lack of movement whether that’s from laying down or sitting down most of the day can lead to niggles, pains, and discomfort. Maybe you have joint pain, lower back pain, or knee pain, there are so many possibilities you can have discomfort anywhere in the body. And that can be the result of many different things.


If you do exercise, whether you exercise correctly or not, you can still have niggles, and soreness, and that can lead to injury. Faulty movement patterns again can lead to injury. It is important to understand how to move better.


Now, let’s say you have been trained by an expert, and know-how to exercise correctly. Can you still run into problems? The answer is yes. So how do we move better?

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Understanding what leads to problems in the first place, learning how your muscles function, and how your body moves. What controls all of this? It’s our brains, by the way of the nervous system. I run a functional neurology practice. What does this mean? It means that I can assess your neurology, i.e., how your brain works and how your body moves.


For example, let’s say you’re 35 years old, you have a good exercise history, you get the odd unexplained shoulder niggle or knee pain. What could cause this? Let’s say as a young child at seven years old you sprained your left ankle. It healed well. Great. The problem is the nervous system remembers this threat.

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If you have a shoulder problem, many practices would look automatically at your shoulder, it sounds logical right? The more research and understanding we have on the body agree that looking at the shoulder isn’t always the best step. Because you can have the shoulder resolved by massage or some kind of manipulation only for it to come back in a matter of weeks or months.


Whereas if you resolve an issue at the left ankle left behind from all those years ago. The shoulder resolves itself forever. That’s the amazing benefit of functional neurology it simply works on a higher level than manipulating bones and muscles via traditional methods you will be familiar with like chiropractic or osteopathy, massage, or sports therapy. We go in at the brain level which is of high importance.

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This then allows you to move better because your body is not only working better on a muscular level but on a neurological level. Meaning exercises you build on and the strength you build are likely to stick and hold at a higher level so you get better, you perform better, and you feel better. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t make you superhuman, you can still run into problems. But the benefits of functional neurology and you as a client being assessed correctly, we can make you more resilient to everyday life occurrences.


The change in people who have been treated for their dysfunctions often sees very big changes. For example, someone with lower back pain, leaving a morning session, having been treated, and noticing their legs feel lighter and they walk with ease, feeling fluid in their movement. Movements simply feel easier.

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