Krystina D

I was always one of those people who practically spent her life in a gym or being active. But after two bad pregnancies I was diagnosed with kidney disease. After spending years on medications my weight skyrocketed, I felt constantly tired, stressed and had little or no time

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Vicky D

Before I started the PT sessions I would go to the gym 3 maybe 4 times a week. I would generally do classes at the gym or if in the gym I tried to make up my own routines but didn't really know what I was doing. I did this for near enough a year and although it kept weight off

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Kate B

Before training... I woke up one morning and realised I had reached the wrong side of 45, and although my mind refused (and still refuses) to believe that I was middle aged, my body disagreed - I had lost tone, flexibility and was definitely starting to sag in all the wrong places.

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